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Extend your retail footprint with staffless stores and 24/7 click-and-collect outlets

We transform existing stores with secure access, or power stand-alone, staffless retail environments with intelligent stock control, multi-point security and a click-and-collect web ordering system to ensure your customers have access to your products when and where they need them.

Problems we solve

Are you missing out on sales revenue by not providing customers with access to your products?
Estate Footprint

Retail stores are a significant investment and need to be profitable, sited in the right locations to drive footfall. The cost of adding stores can restrict growth into new geographical areas, limiting new revenue opportunities and brand expansion.

Limited Hours

Customers want to shop when it suits them, often this can be outside of normal opening hours. Staffing stores 24/7 can be costly and prohibitive for retailers, reducing convenience for customers and removing possible revenue opportunities for brands.

Rural Areas

Staff costs and availability, to cover opening hours that meet consumer demand in smaller towns and rural areas can be prohibitive. As a result, customers travel further or shop online, increasing emissions for all parties.

Grow Revenue

Increase sales outlets with access to items for customers closer to their home

Open pop-up stores in new strategic locations or transform your existing footprint to expand reach beyond store hours, with 24/7 shopping, capturing additional sales and attracting customers who prefer a convenient, self-service experience.
Reduce Overheads

Reduce staff and operating costs with staffless stores and visibility of in demand products

With secure store access stores can be operated without staffing and with individual click and collect order tracking, it's easy to know the most popular products for replenishment, decreasing small pick and pack orders, and reliance on frequency of deliveries.
Better Sustainability

Improve your carbon footprint with fewer deliveries

Creating forward stock locations with enough stock to last weeks at a time, and replenishment is completed using data insights to consolidate deliveries for greater efficiency. Combined with fewer internet orders, thus reducing the number of vans on the road.

Case studies

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Speak to our team

If you are a leading retailer and you would like to learn more about Opus, speak to our client success team who will be happy to discuss implementation and capabilities.