Opus Pricing
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Flexible plans to suit your business needs
Opus Core
Per store, billed annually
EnquirePerfect for clients wishing to integrate Opus into a pre-existing inventory facility using CCTV and Smart Locks.
Core Features:
Real-time Opus Sales Analytics
Level 3 Developer Support
New Feature Updates
Security Release Updates
Opus Plus
Per store, billed annually
EnquireOpus Plus gives clients everything they need to turn any room, warehouse or facility into a secure Opus environment.
Opus Cloud, plus:
CCTV & Playback system
Smart Lock
Uninterruptible Power Supply
SMS Order Notifications
Opus Max
Per store, billed annually
EnquireThe ultimate package: An all-encompassing supply of Opus Core, the necessary hardware and a pre-fabricated pop-up store.
Opus Cloud, Controls, plus:
Prefabricated Pop-up Store
110/220v Power Supply
Alarm System*
Racking & Display Units*
Trusted by market leaders in
Market leaders in some of the most challenging sectors trust our technology to achieve their business objectives.